Pure Monastic Incense from Mount Athos with the authentic traditional recipe” is the combination of resin, aroma, and magnesium into a finished product, without any other additives. One of the most ancient and important uses of incense is its use during worship, especially in Church Services, in which it accompanies the most basic part of the services which is prayer. We can even see that censing with incense by the faithful is a command directly from God in the Old Testament, many thousands of years ago! Prior to censing, the priest blesses the incense and prays to God that his offering of incense be accepted and asks to receive the Grace of the Holy Spirit as a counter-offering back from God. “Incense we offer unto Thee, O Christ our God, as an odor of spiritual fragrance. Receiving it upon Thy most heavenly altar, send down upon us in return the grace of Thine All-Holy Spirit”.Every day during the Vespers service “Let my prayer be set forth as incense before Thee” is chanted as the beginning part of the musical portion of the service and is usually accompanied by the Priest censing the whole church, the faithful, and the icons.Having these things in mind, the fathers of the Holy Great Monastery of Vatopedi on Mount Athos - with personal care, prayer, and a great feeling of responsibility - produce the best possible incense of the highest quality without any additives in a variety of fragrances which last until the very end.
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